SHE'S WITH THE BAND - Episode 18: Tyler 'Telle' Smith (THE WORD ALIVE)

SHE'S WITH THE BAND - Episode 18: Tyler 'Telle' Smith (THE WORD ALIVE)

- By Matt Rushton

Here we are with episode 18 of She's with the Band, the show that aims to amplify the voices of women on stage, backstage, and in the business. For the first time here, hosts Tori Kravitz and Alicia Atout are joined by a male guest in the form of Tyler 'Telle' Smith of the Word Alive, someone known for his feminism and championing of women in the scene.

Telle discusses the band's latest tour, becoming active in supporting women in the scene and tips for other men on how to, the pros and cons of trying to use Twitter as a platform for change, self-confidence and physical and mental health, and his love for his dog.

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